Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Sheriff Paul D. Rich
Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jacobs Written up

On 7/28/18  Deputy Jacobs had not yet arrived for work at 0502.  Sgt Tank called him and did not get an answer.  She left a message but then called again right after.  Dep Jacobs answered the second call.  Sgt Tank asked him if he was coming into work today.  He stated that he was on his way, he told her that he had a flat tire which was causing him to run late but he was on the way now.  Sgt Tank asked him why he didn't call if he knew he was going to be late.  He told her that he was going to call but he got "running around" and forgot.  Sgt Tank stated that it sounded like he had just woke up.  At about 0525 he called back and I answered.  He told me that he was really embarrassed that he didn't call and that he was on his way but it would be about 30 minutes.  I advised him to just make it here as soon as he could.  Dep Jacobs will be given a coaching slip by me.  I don't know if this was his first time or not but he was either untruthful about having a flat tire or was negligent for not calling.  Since I can not prove either one he is just getting a coaching slip on being late.  Jacobs is on a two year notice if hes late again disciplinary action will be taken


  1. I believe Sgt Darling coached him on the same subject

  2. Yeah I found that out after the fact since it wasnt documented on here, but it was taken to the next level once I was aware
