Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Sheriff Paul D. Rich
Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Jail Statistics

Over the past 3 years bookings are showing a slight decline each year.  Inmate incidents are also showing a decline for year 2017.

                                                                                                                                                                   Suicidal inmates is proving a little harder to predict, showing a decline in 2016 but increasing again in 2017


Looking at incidents more specifically, you can see the different incident types and the frequency they occur in each year.

When we look closer at bookings we can see the number of bookings on each specific day over the past 3 years.  Statistics show weekdays are generating more bookings.  Specifically Friday and Wednesday are showing as the busiest of all the days.  This can be connected to the days we do Federal Transports for the U.S. Marshal Service. On these days federal inmates are brought in for housing.

Looking even closer we can see the specific hours of the day that bookings show increase or decrease.  We can see a dramatic spike in bookings between the hours of 08:00-09:00.  District Court arraignments start at 08:30 and defendants are sent over for fingerprinting before they appear.  We also see a spike from the hours of 19:00-22:00 this would also be connected to Federal Inmates.  Transports arrive back around 19:30 so the booking of those inmates would begin shortly after.

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