Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Sheriff Paul D. Rich
Sheriff Paul D. Rich

Agency Mission/Jail Mission


The mission for every member of the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office is to consistently, seek and find ways to affirmatively promote, preserve and deliver a feeling of security and safety and quality services to members of our community

This mission is a commitment to quality performance from all members. It is critical that all members understand, accept and be aligned with the responsibilities established by this mission. It provides the foundation upon which all operational decisions and organizational directives will be based. Directives include rules, regulations, operating policies, procedures, practices, and standards of conduct.

This mission represents the commitment of this administration to the concepts of quality performance management. In other words, members are expected to work consistently in a quality manner in the daily performance of those duties, job responsibilities and work tasks associated with this mission. Quality Manner means that performance outcomes comply with the performance standards established for this agency and for each member associated with this agency. Examples of performance standards include the oath of office, code of ethics, agency rules, policies, procedures, directives, standards of conduct, general and supervisory orders, work productivity and performance behavior.

Each member is required to accept the responsibility for the achievement of this mission and publicly register his or her commitment to it and to the concepts of quality service and accountability.


Sanilac County Jail Mission
To provide a safe, secure, and clean environment for your incarceration

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